Underwater Services offered by RPWT

Since 1997 Ron Perrin Water Technologies has been a leader in potable water tank & tower inspection We offer three different water tank & tower inspections. All these inspections provide digital photos of inspection points and problem areas along with an underwater DVD so you can see the interior roof and floor of your water storage tank. We take pride in offering you the most information for the least cost. Our potable water dive team is available to clean sediment from the floor of your water storage tanks & other underwater services.

Field Tech Inspecting a water tower

Field Tech Inspecting a water tower

Other UNDERWATER SERVICES are also offered. Other than underwater inspections with a remote camera, cleaning of potable water storage tanks is our most popular Underwater Service.tankdiver.us_.2020-1

We have worked in fourteen U.S. states and Internationally in Mexico. To date our International underwater services has only been to inspect fire protection systems forAmerican corporations with plants in Mexico. We are looking forward to more international diving services to be offered in the future.Visit our web page at www.ronperrin.com.


Call us toll free at 888-481-1768 or simply fill out the form below: